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BLOTINOX is designed for the management of acute and chronic tympanitis, recurrent tympany, gaseous and frothy bloat, feedlot bloat, colic, and impaction. It has antifrothing, antizymotic, and carminative properties, offering rapid relief from both frothy and gaseous bloat.


BLOTINOX is designed for the management of acute and chronic tympanitis, recurrent tympany, gaseous and frothy bloat, feedlot bloat, colic, and impaction. It has antifrothing, antizymotic, and carminative properties, offering rapid relief from both frothy and gaseous bloat.

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Acute & chronic tympanitis
Recurrent tympany
Gaseous & frothy bloat
Feedlot bloat
Colic & impaction

Possesses anti frothing, antizymotic, & carminative properties
Provides quick relief in case of frothy bloat & gaseous bloat
Recommended for intra-ruminal administration in case of acute bloat
Provides quick action due to high spreadability

Cattle & Buffalo: 100 mL orally
In acute bloat, repeated doses after short intervals. Blotinox is to be injected intra-ruminally to obtain quick relief.

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